We all need to show respect...
...the same way Muslims show respect for the beliefs of Christians and the other legions of sinners that are bound for the eternal flames of hell as mandated by their God and prophet.
Honestly people, to say that this CARTOON is inflammatory is a joke I just can't seem to get. The Muslim community as a whole (thats right, I'm generalizing, so nail me to the "racist" cross right alongside of Walrus) does not denounce the actions of those that seek to kill in the name of their prophet, nor do they take any steps to stop this activity... so us, THE TARGETS, are soupposed to refrain from calling a spade and spade and pointing out the hypocrisy of a community?
The way we as Americans have begun to jade our words and opinions is sickening, and the refusal to choose a side in a conflict will inevitably be our downfall. This is not an intellectual commentary, it is meant to entertain, and make a point... it does both. The fact that anyone could find it offensive only speaks to the ignorance of those viewing it. Walrus, keep them coming.